

















王乐洋,博士,教授,测绘科学与技术首批博士生导师,现任高等教育研究与评估中心副主任。20127月至202211月任测绘工程学院副院长。2016年、2018年、2019年先后入选省部级人才计划3项,中国测绘学会大地测量与导航专业委员会委员,《大地测量与地球动力学》、《测绘工程》、《江西测绘》等期刊编委,江西省测绘地理信息学会副秘书长、常务理事,江西省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(10篇)。主要研究领域为地壳形变分析与大地测量反演、测量平差与数据处理。主持国家自然科学基金4面上2),其他科研项目10项。获得江西省教学成果等奖国家测绘科技进步一等奖等项,授权国家发明专利7项,入选F5000论文3篇。指导博士生1人;指导硕士生39人,毕业29人(继续攻读博士学位19人)。在《Journal of Geodesy》、《Geophysical Journal International》、《测绘学报》、《地球物理学报》等重要期刊上发表(含录用)论文169篇,其中(不重复计算)SCI论文51篇,EI论文60篇;目前为国内外40余个期刊审稿人。


200809月—201106月   武汉大学测绘学院大地测量学与测量工程博士

200509月—200806月   中南大学信息物理工程学院大地测量学与测量工程硕士

200109月—200506月   东华理工大学(原华东地质学院)测量系测绘工程本科




202012月—202111月   东华理工大学测绘工程学院教授、副院长、硕士生导师

201412月—202012月   东华理工大学测绘工程学院副教授、副院长、硕士生导师

201207月—201411月   东华理工大学测绘工程学院讲师、副院长、硕士生导师

201107月—201206月   东华理工大学测绘工程学院讲师


  1. 江西省教学成果一等奖2023年。

  2. 江西遥感科学技术奖二等奖,2018年。

  3. 江西省教学成果二等奖,2017年。

  4. 国家测绘科技进步一等奖2016年。

  5. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖2014

  6. 湖北省优秀博士学位论文2012


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目42174011):加性乘性混合型误差模型参数估计理论与方法研究,2022.1—2025.12,主持;

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目41874001):基于Sigma点的非线性平差精度评定理论与方法研究,2019.1—2022.12,主持;

  3. 国家自然科学基金地区基金41664001):Partial EIV 模型参数估计理论及其在测量数据处理中的应用研究,2017.1—2020.12,主持;

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金41204003):多源地壳形变场数据的总体最小二乘联合反演研究,2013.1—2015.12,主持;

  5. 江西省杰出青年人才资助计划项目(20162BCB23050),2016.1—2018.12,主持


  1. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Han Shuhao,Ming Pang.Improved Artificial Gorilla Troops Optimizer with Chaotic Adaptive Parameters - Application to the Parameter Estimation Problem of Mixed Additive and Multiplicative Random Error Models.Measurement Science and Technology,2024,35(2):025203.

  2. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Hu Fangfang.Parameter estimation methods for correlated observation multiplicative random error model in geodetic measurement.Journal of Surveying Engineering,2024,150(1): 04023022.

  3. Sun Longxiang,WANG Leyang(王乐洋)*, Xu Guangyu,Wu Qiwen. A New Method of Variational Bayesian Slip Distribution Inversion.Journal of Geodesy,2023, 97(1):10.

  4. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),MiaoWei,WuFei,Ming Pang. Medium-short term prediction of polar motion combining the differencing between series with the differencing within series.Geophysical Journal International,2023,235(1):109-118.

  5. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),MiaoWei,WuFei.A new medium-long term polar motion prediction method based on sliding average within difference series.Measurement Science and Technology,2023,34(10):105023.

  6. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),XiaoHao. MINQUE Method Variance Component Estimation for the Mixed Additive and Multiplicative Random Error ModelJournal of Surveying Engineering, 2023, 149(4): 04023013.

  7. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Sun Longxiang*, Xu Guangyu. An improved Bayesian von Karman regularization method for the joint inversion of GNSS and InSAR data. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2023, 149(1): 04022016.

  8. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), LUO Xinlei. Adaptive Two-Stage Monte Carlo Algorithm for Accuracy Estimation of Total Least Squares. Journal of Surveying Engineering,2023,149(1):04022012.

  9. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Han Shuhao. Improved Cat Swarm Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Mixed Additive and Multiplicative Random Error Model.Geodesy and Geodynamics,2023,14(4):385-391.

  10. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Han Shuhao.The Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Mixed Additive and Multiplicative Random Error Model and the Bootstrap Method for Its precision estimation. Geodesy and Geodynamics,2023,14(3):244-253.

  11. WANG Leyang(王乐洋)Li Han. GBO algorithm for seismic source parameter inversion. Geodesy and Geodynamics,2023,14(2):182-190.

  12. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Yingwen, Zou Chuanyi, Yu Fengbin. Sterling Interpolation Method for Precision Estimation of Total Least Squares. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2023, 52(1):142-160.

  13. Zhu Jianjun(朱建军),Wang Leyang(王乐洋)*Hu Jun (胡俊)Li Bofeng(李博峰)Fu Haiqiang(付海强),Yao Yibin(姚宜斌).  Recent advances in the geodesy data processing.Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2023, 6(3): 33-45.

  14. Xu GuangyuWen Yangmao*Yi YaningGuo ZelongWang Leyang(王乐洋)Xu Caijun. Geodetic constraints of the 2015 Mw6.5 Alor, East Indonesia earthquake: A strike-slip faulting in the convergent boundary. Geophysical Journal International,2023,235(1):247-259.

  15. Chen Hanqing, Wen Debao*, Du Yanan,Xiong Luyun, WANG Leyang(王乐洋). Errors of five satellite precipitation products for different rainfall intensities. Atmospheric Research, 2023,285: 106622.

  16. 陈明锴,许光煜*,王乐洋.InSAR同震地表三维形变反演:一种顾及形变梯度的联合解算方法武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2023, 48(8): 1349-1358.

  17. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Wu Qiwen, Wu Fei, He Xiaoxing. Noise content assessment in GNSS coordinate time series with autoregressive and heteroscedastic random errors. Geophysical Journal International, 2022, 231(2):856-876.

  18. 王乐洋, 陈涛*. 加乘性混合误差模型精度评定的SUT. 测绘学报, 2022, 51(11):2303-2316.

  19. 王乐洋, 赵雄,许文斌*, 汪驰升, 方楠, 谢磊. 协方差阵非负约束的赫尔默特方差分量估计. 测绘学报, 2022, 51(3):351-360.

  20. 王乐洋,谷旺旺,赵雄,许光煜,高华. 利用偏差改正的方差分量估计方法确定联合反演相对权比. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2022, 47(4):508-516.

  21. 王乐洋,许冉冉,靳锡波,丁锐.非线性反演算法的综合评价对比. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2022, 47(3):341-351.

  22. 王乐洋, 邹传义. 乘性误差模型参数估计及精度评定的Sterling插值方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2022, 47(2):219-225.

  23. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Wu Qiwen. A vatiational Bayesian approach to self-tuning robust adjustment for joint inversion of nonlinear volcano source model with t-distributed random errors. Journal of Surveying Engineering,2022,148(2):04021032.

  24. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Chen Tao. A method for mixed additive and multiplicative random error models with inequality constraints in geodesy.Earth Planets and Space,2022,74:125.

  25. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),MiaoWei,WuFei. A new polar motion prediction method combined with the difference between polar motion series. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2022,13(6):564-572.

  26. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Xu Ranran,Yu Fengbin.Genetic Nelder-Mead neural network algorithm for fault parameter inversion using GPS data.Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2022,13(4):386-398.

  27. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Li Zhiqiang, YU Fengbin. Jackknife method for the location of gross errors in weighted total least squares. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2022,51(4):1946-1966.

  28. LiXue ,Wang Chisheng*, Zhu Chuanhua, Wang Shuying, Li Weidong, WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Zhu Wu. Coseismic Deformation Field Extraction and Fault Slip Distribution Inversion of the 2021 Yangbi MW 6.1 Earthquake, Yunnan Province, Based on Time-Series InSAR. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4):1017.

  29. Zou Chuanyi, Ding Hao*, WANG Leyang(王乐洋). A SCR method for uncertainty estimation in geodesy non-linear error propagation: comparisons and applications.Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2022,13(4):311-320.

  30. Wang Leyang(王乐洋), Jin Xibo, Xu Wenbin*, Xu Guangyu. A black hole particle swarm optimization method for the source parameters inversion: application to the 2015 Calbuco eruption, Chile. Journal of Geodynamics, 2021, 146: 101849.

  31. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), LUO Xinlei*. Adaptive Quasi-Monte Carlo Method for Nonlinear Function Error Propagation and its application in geodetic measurement. Measurement,2021,186:110122.

  32. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Chen Tao.Virtual observation iteration solution and A-optimal design method for ill-posed mixed additive and multiplicative random error model in geodetic measurement. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021,147(4):04021016.

  33. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Xu Ranran.Multistart Nelder-Mead neural network algorithm for earthquake source parameter inversion of 2017 Bodrum-Kos earthquake. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021, 147(3): 04021014.

  34. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Zou Chuanyi. Accuracy estimation of earthquake source geometry parameters by the Sterling interpolation method in the nonlinear inversion. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021, 147(1): 04020019.

  35. 王乐洋, 谷旺旺, 孙龙翔. 利用协同反演方法反演地震序列滑动分布. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64(8): 2599-2612.

  36. 王乐洋,李志强.震源参数反演及精度评定的Bootstrap方法. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64(6): 2001-2016.

  37. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), YU Fengbin. Jackknife Resample Method for Precision Estimation of Weighted Total Least Squares. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2021, 50(5):1272-1289.

  38. 王乐洋, 李志强.非线性模型精度评定的Bootstrap方法及其加权采样改进方法. 测绘学报, 2021, 50(7):863-878.

  39. 王乐洋, 陈涛, 邹传义. 病态乘性误差模型的加权最小二乘正则化迭代解法及精度评定. 测绘学报, 2021, 50(5):589-599.

  40. 王乐洋, 邹传义.PEIV 模型参数估计理论及其应用研究进展. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2021, 46(9):1273-1283.

  41. 王乐洋, 靳锡波, 许光煜.断层参数反演的动态惯性因子的粒子群算法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2021, 46(4):510-519.

  42. 王乐洋, 孙坚强. 总体最小二乘回归预测模型的方差分量估计. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2021, 46(2):280-288.

  43. WANG Leyang(王乐洋),Chen Tao. Ridge Estimation Iterative Method for Ill-Posed mixed Additive and Multiplicative Random Error Model with Equality Constraints. Geodesy and Geodynamics,2021, 12(5): 336-346.

  44. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), XIONG Luyun, Chen Tao. Penalized total least squares method for dealing with systematic errors in Partial EIV model and its precision estimation. Geodesy and Geodynamics,2021, 12(4): 249-257.

  45. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), SUN Jianqiang, Wu Qiwen. Nonlinear Total Least-Squares Variance Component Estimation for the GM(1,1) Model. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2021, 12(3): 211-217.

  46. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), SUN Jianqiang, Wu Qiwen. A Complete Solution of an Improved Universal 3D Coordinate Similarity Transformation Model.Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2021, 12(2): 125-132.

  47. Wang Chisheng, Wang Yongquan, WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Hu Zhongwen*, Zhang Shaobiao, Wang Shuanglong, Xiu Wenqun, Cui Hongxing, Wang Dan & Li Qingquan, Volunteered remote sensing data generation with air passengers as sensors, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2021,14(2): 158-180.

  48. Chen Hanqing, Yong Bin,Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter,WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Hong Yang. Global component

  49. ana lysis of errors in five satellite-only global precipitation estimates. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2021, 25(6): 3087-3104.

  50. Hui Zhenyang, Jin Shuanggen, Xia Yuanping, WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Yao Yevenyo Ziggah, Cheng Penggen*. Wood and leaf separation from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds based on mode points evolution. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2021, 178: 219-239.

  51. 王乐洋, 温贵森. 火山Mogi模型形变反演的虚拟观测法及方差分量估计.地球物理学报, 2020, 63(5):1775-1786.

  52. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Gu Wangwang. A-optimal Design Method to Determine the Regularization Parameter of Coseismic Slip Distribution Inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 2020, 221(1):440–450.

  53. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Ding Rui. A Parameter Determination Method of Unscented Transformation and Its Approximate Ability Ana lysis in the Precision Estimation of Nonlinear Measurement Adjustment. Measurement, 2020, 166: 108065.

  54. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Wu Qiwen*. Non-negative Variance Component Estimation for the Partial EIV Model by the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2020, 11(1): 1278-1298.

  55. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), SUN Jianqiang. Regression prediction method that is based on the partial errors-in-variables model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2020, 49(12): 3380–3395.

  56. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Yingwen, Zou Chuanyi, ZHAO Xiong. Scaled Unscented Transformation Method and Adaptive Monte Carlo Method Used for Effects of Fault Parameters Estimates on Green Function Matrix in Slip Distribution. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2020, 11(5): 328-337.

  57. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), YU Fengbin, Li Zhiqiang*, Zou Chuanyi. Jackknife method for variance components estimation of Partial EIV model. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2020, 146(4): 04020016.

  58. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Ding Rui. Inversion and precision estimation of earthquake fault parameters based on scaled unscented transformation and hybrid PSO/Simplex algorithm with GPS measurement data. Measurement, 2020, 153: 107422.

  59. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), YU Fengbin. Jackknife Resampling Parameter Estimation Method for Weighted Total Least Squares. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2020, 49(23): 5810-5828.

  60. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Xiong. Determination of Smoothing Factor for the Co-seismic Slip Distribution Inversion. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2020,3(1):25-35.

  61. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), WEN Guisen, ZHAO Yingwen.Virtual observation method and precision estimation of ill-posed Partial EIV model. Journal of Surveying Engineering,2019, 145(4): 04019010.

  62. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Zou Chuanyi. Accuracy Ana lysis and Applications of Sterling Interpolation Method for Nonlinear Function Error Propagation. Measurement, 2019, 146:55-64.

  63. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO XiongXu Wenbin, Xie Lei, Fang Nan. Co-seismic slip distribution inversion with unequal weighted Laplacian smoothness constraints.  Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 218(1):145–162.

  64. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Yingwen. Second Order Approximating Function Method for Precision Estimation of Total Least Squares. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2019, 145(1): 04018011.

  65. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), YU Hang. Weighted total least-squares joint adjustment with weight correction factors. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2019,48(9):2689-2707.

  66. 王乐洋, 高华*, 冯光财. 利用InSARGPS数据分析台湾西南两次Mw>6地震的触发关系及应力影响. 测绘学报, 2019, 48(10):1244-1253.

  67. 王乐洋, 余航, 邹传义, 鲁铁定. 加权整体最小二乘EIV模型与算法—与“加权整体最小二乘EIO模型与算法”一文的讨论. 测绘学报, 2019, 48(7):931-937(期刊约稿.

  68. 王乐洋, 温贵森. 偏差改正的Partial EIV模型方差分量估计. 测绘学报, 2019, 48(4):412-421.

  69. 王乐洋, 赵雄, 高华. 大地测量地震断层同震滑动分布反演的两步解法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2019, 44(9):1265-1273.

  70. 王乐洋, 余航. 附有相对权比的加权总体最小二乘联合平差方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2019, 44(8): 1233-1240.

  71. 王乐洋, 李海燕, 陈汉清. 2013年芦山Ms7.0级地震断层参数模型反演. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2019, 44(3): 347-354.

  72. 王乐洋, 赵英文. 非线性平差精度评定的自适应蒙特卡罗法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2019, 44(2):206-213.

  73. Hui Zhenyang, Wang Leyang(王乐洋), Yao Yevenyo Ziggah, Cai shangshu, XIA Yuanping. Automatic Morphological Filtering Algorithm for Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Areas. Applied Optics, 2019,58(4):1164-1173.

  74. Hui Zhenyang, Li Dajun, Jin Shuanggen, Yao Yevenyo Ziggah, WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Hu Youjian. Automatic DTM Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Based on Expectation-Maximization. Optics and Laser Technology2019,112:43-55.

  75. Hui Zhenyang, Jin Shuanggen, Cheng Penggen, Yao Yevenyo Ziggah, WANG Leyang(王乐洋), Wang Yuqian, Hu Haiying, Hu Youjian. An Active Learning Method for DEM Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 89366-89378.

  76. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), GAO Hua, FENG Guangcai,XU Wenbin. Source Parameters and Triggering Links of the Earthquake Sequence in Central Italy from 2009 to 2016 Ana lyzed with GPS and InSAR Data. Tectonphysics, 2018, 744:285-295.

  77. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Xiong, GAO Hua. A Method for Determining the Regularization Parameter and the Relative Weight Ratio of the Seismic Slip Distribution with Multi-source Data. Journal of Geodynamics, 2018, 118(7):1-10.

  78. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Yingwen. Scaled unscented transformation of nonlinear error propagation accuracy, sensitivity and applications. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2018, 144(1): 04017022.

  79. 王乐洋, 赵雄. 地震同震滑动分布反演平滑因子的确定. 测绘学报, 2018, 47(12): 1571-1580.

  80. 王乐洋, 熊露雲. 一种Partial EIV半参数模型的系统误差处理方法. 测绘学报, 2018, 47(1): 25-34.

  81. 王乐洋, 余航.火山Mogi模型反演的总体最小二乘联合平差方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2018, 43(9): 1333-1341.

  82. 王乐洋, 李海燕, 陈晓勇. 拟牛顿修正法解算不等式约束加权总体最小二乘问题. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2018, 43(1): 127-132.

  83. 余航,王坚,王乐洋,宁一鹏,刘志平.动态EIV模型及其总体卡尔曼滤波方法. 测绘学报, 2018, 47(4): 480-489.

  84. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), ZHAO Yingwen. Unscented transformation with scaled symmetric sampling strategy for precision estimation of total least squares. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2017, 61(3): 385-411.

  85. 王乐洋, 陈汉清.地壳形变分析的抗差最小二乘配置迭代解法. 地球物理学报, 2017, 60(8):3062-3071.

  86. 王乐洋, 高华, 冯光财. 2016年台湾美浓Mw6.4地震震源参数的InSARGPS反演. 地球物理学报,2017,60(7): 2578-2588.

  87. 王乐洋, 许光煜, 温贵森. 一种相关观测的PEIV模型求解方法. 测绘学报, 2017, 46(8): 978-987.

  88. 王乐洋, 温贵森. Partial EIV模型的非负最小二乘方差分量估计.测绘学报2017, 46(7):857-865.

  89. 王乐洋, 陈汉清. 多波束测深数据处理的抗差最小二乘配置迭代解法. 测绘学报2017, 46(5): 658-665.

  90. 王乐洋, 李海燕, 温扬茂, 许才军. 地震同震滑动分布反演的总体最小二乘方法. 测绘学报2017, 46(3): 307-315.

  91. 王乐洋, 许光煜. 系数矩阵误差对地壳应变参数反演的影响. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2017, 42(10):1453-1460.

  92. 王乐洋, 许光煜, 陈晓勇. 附有相对权比的PEIV模型总体最小二乘平差. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2017, 42(6):857-863.

  93. WANG Leyang(王乐洋), XU Guangyu. Variance Component Estimation for Partial Errors-in-variables Models. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2016, 60 (1), 35-55.

  94. 王乐洋, 赵英文, 陈晓勇, 臧德彦. 多元总体最小二乘问题的牛顿解法. 测绘学报, 2016, 45(4):411-417.

  95. 王乐洋, 余航, 陈晓勇. Partial EIV模型的解法. 测绘学报, 2016, 45(1): 22-29.

  96. 王乐洋, 余航. 总体最小二乘联合平差. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2016, 41(12):1683-1689.

  97. 王乐洋, 吴飞, 吴良才. GPS高程转换的总体最小二乘拟合推估模型. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 201641(9): 1259-1264.

  98. 王乐洋, 许光煜. 加权总体最小二乘平差随机模型的验后估计. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 201641(2): 255-261.

99.王乐洋, 余航, 李毅. 一种加权总体最小二乘问题的解法.中国矿业大学学报201645(6): 1263-1270.

100.王乐洋, 于冬冬, 吕开云. 复数域总体最小二乘平差. 测绘学报, 201544(8): 866-876.

101.王乐洋, 于冬冬. 病态总体最小二乘问题的虚拟观测解法. 测绘学报, 201443(6): 575-581.

102.王乐洋, 许才军, 温扬茂. 利用STLNInSAR数据反演2008年青海大柴旦Mw6.3级地震断层参数. 测绘学报, 2013,42(2):168-176.

103.王乐洋, 许才军. 总体最小二乘研究进展.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2013, 38(7):850-856 .

104.王乐洋, 许才军, 张朝玉. 一种确定联合反演中相对权比的两步法. 测绘学报, 2012, 41(1): 19-24.

105.王乐洋. 基于总体最小二乘的大地测量反演理论及应用研究. 测绘学报, 2012, 41(4):629.

  1. 106.Caijun Xu, Leyang Wang(王乐洋), Yangmao Wen, Jianjun Wang. Strain Rates in the Sichuan-Yunnan Region Based upon the Total Least Squares Heterogeneous Strain Model from GPS Data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 2011, 22(2): 133-147.

107.王乐洋, 许才军. 附有相对权比的总体最小二乘平差方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2011, 36(8): 887-890.

108.王乐洋, 许才军. 附有病态约束反演问题的岭估计法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2011, 36(5): 612-616.

109.王乐洋, 许才军, 鲁铁定. 病态加权总体最小二乘平差的岭估计解法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2010, 35(11): 1346-1350.

110.王乐洋, 许才军, 鲁铁定. 边长变化反演应变参数的总体最小二乘方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2010, 35(2): 181-184.

111.许才军, 王乐洋. 大地测量和地震数据联合反演地震震源破裂过程研究进展.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2010, 35(4):457-462.

112.王乐洋, 许才军, 汪建军. 附有病态约束矩阵的等式约束反演问题研究. 测绘学报,2009, 38(5): 397-401.


指导博士生1.指导硕士生39人,毕业29,学生毕业后继续读博19人(武大13人,矿大3人,中科院2 人,河海1人),任教高职学校4人,测绘类企事业单位4人,政府部门2;获得江西省优秀硕士学位论文10篇。

版权所有:东华理工大学 测绘与空间信息工程学院(北斗学院)

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